Monday, November 16, 2009

a shirred dress for karen

this is a simple dress to make if you have elastic thread and a machine that cooperates..mine tried to kill the elastic thread in 20 different ways.

I have been trying to make this dress from the first time I saw this on portabellopixie, when everyone and their sisters started raving about shirring. I tried and tried.... no, my elastic thread got bunched up and knotted and who knows how it managed to break off, not a bit of proper shirring was done. I had to rip out lots of stitches I made in the hope that the thread will come even after running some time..I surfed the net hoping for an answer, I changed the tension, I turned every dial on my stubborn machine. , then left my shirring plans and went and made some other stuff.

One fine day, the planets aligned, the machine suddenly discovered the fine art of cooperation, I was able to make this dress. then the planets went their separate ways :) so I havent been able to shir another stitch yet. well, I'll always have my trusty 1/4 inch elastic.

Some excellent tutorial links for making this dress and cute fotos can be found at MADE
another detailed tutorial from Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross is available at Etsy storque.

if you'd loke a visual reference, there's a video from craftzine.
p.s. this was a dress I made in the beginning of summer, now it is almost winter here. that says a lot about my blogging habits, alle? I will try to post some more of my past work in the coming days..


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